Sunday, March 14, 2010

This Week in Room 3....

March 15-19
Spelling words: frogs, homes, tracks, drums, stripes, crabs, beans, games, coats, and balloons.
High Frequency words: about, because, draw, happy, part, teacher and tiny.
In literacy skills block we will be working on adding -s to naming words and adding inflected endings -s , -ed, and -ing to base words. We will practice deleting and substituting sounds in words , identifying and reading action words, and reviewing compound words. Our Guiding Question for Reader's Workshop this week is: How does categorizing and classifying help me to become a better reader? We will practice using this skill during guided reading and read aloud time.
Beginning this week the students will also have a nightly fluency assignment for homework. Information will be sent home tomorrow.

In Writers' Workshop we will continue on our animal reports by adding graphics such as diagrams and maps. We also will add an introduction to our reports.

In Math Skills Block we will continue practicing telling time to the hour and half hour. We also are discussing elapsed time. In Math Workshop we will continue solving story problems. The students are learning different ways to record their work. They will also work on deciding which operation to use to solve a story problem.

In Science we are observing our plants in the classroom to answer our question on what plants need to live. We will also be learning about the needs of animals.

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