Sunday, March 7, 2010

This Week in Room 3....

March 8-12
In our literacy skills block we will practice reading and writing words that make the /oo/ sound as in too. Our spelling words are: too, soon, pool, cool, stool, bloom. scoop, choose, smooth and tooth. Remember, these words, along with all of our prior spelling words can be practiced on the Spelling City website. We will also look at the spelling patterns -ew, -ue, -ou, and u_e as in the words new, glue, soup and mule. Also, in skills block we will work with the pronouns he, she, it and they.
Our high frequency words for the week are: build, shoe, very, old, start, wear, piece and under.
Our story this week is If You Give a Pig a Pancake, by Laura Numeroff. Our reading skill this week is Realism and Fantasy. We will looking at which parts of a story could really happen in real life and which parts could not happen. The students will also be browsing other Laura Numeroff book during their Readers' Workshop worktime. Click here to visit a fun site for activities that go along with our story this week.
In Writers' Workshop the students will begin rewriting their animal reports from the notes that they took. They will need to turn their notes into complete sentences. We will then add an introduction and graphics to our reports.

In Math we are continuing with clock time in our skills block. In Math Workshop we will continue playing number games working with combinations for numbers. We also will be solving story problems and learning how to record our work through words, pictures and numbers.

In Science we are exploring what plants need to live. The students will be observing four different plants in the classroom and recording their observations. The observations will continue for the next four weeks. The pictures below show our plants on the first day that we began our exploration.

Remember to bring a bagged lunch/drink , labeled with your name for the field trip on Tuesday!

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