Sunday, May 23, 2010

This Week in Room 3....

May 24 - 27

Please send in your party money as soon as possible if you have not yet done so. The first grade classes may need to change our party plans because of the limited amount of money that has come in so far.

Our class will be shopping at the Scholastic Book Fair in the Media Center on Tuesday.

We have ended spelling assessments for the year. Please have your child continue to practice these words. All lists can be found at

In Reader's Workshop this week we will practice identifying cause and effect in our stories. The students ask themselves..What happened? (effect) and ...What caused it to happen? (cause).

We will continue to practice substituting phonemes in words. This is a phonemic awareness activity. It is all done orally, with not print associated to it. An example is " Say the word 'ship'. Now change the "i" (short i sound) to an /ar/ . What is the new word? "Sharp".
In phonics we will look at comparative word endings -er and -est. The students will learn to use -er when comparing two things. (Pam is taller than Sam) They use -est when comparing more than two things. ( Pam is the tallest girl in the class.)

Our high frequency words are: present, thoughts, able and eye.

In Writer's Workshop we have returned to Narrative Writing. The students meeting the standard in this genre for first grade are able to: generate their own topics; have an engaging beginning; sequence two or more events by using time cue words; add a sense of closure; they may also add dialogue, details, and reactions.

In Math we will continue comparing the capacity of various containers by measuring with sand and blocks. We will also continue two digit addition and subtractions without regrouping.

This week our class will be "visiting" other countries at Parkwood during International Week. We will also be presenting our information on Spain to other classes on Thursday.

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