Monday, May 31, 2010

This Week in Room 3....

June 1 - 4

This week we will take finish Theme 10 in our Reading Series. We will also take our final benchmark test for the year. We will continue administering the Developmental Reading Assessments to the students to determine their independent reading level.

In math we will complete our unit on measurement. We will continue practicing addition and subtraction of two digit numbers in math skills block.

Remember, our normal instruction continues until the end of the year. It is important that your child attends school each day!

On Friday, the PTA is throwing our class a pizza party for winning the Box Top contest. Thanks to all the students that have turned in box tops.....our class brought in the most for the school this year!

Thanks to all for turning in your party money in a timely manner. We know that the students will have a great time at our year end celebration.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

This Week in Room 3....

May 24 - 27

Please send in your party money as soon as possible if you have not yet done so. The first grade classes may need to change our party plans because of the limited amount of money that has come in so far.

Our class will be shopping at the Scholastic Book Fair in the Media Center on Tuesday.

We have ended spelling assessments for the year. Please have your child continue to practice these words. All lists can be found at

In Reader's Workshop this week we will practice identifying cause and effect in our stories. The students ask themselves..What happened? (effect) and ...What caused it to happen? (cause).

We will continue to practice substituting phonemes in words. This is a phonemic awareness activity. It is all done orally, with not print associated to it. An example is " Say the word 'ship'. Now change the "i" (short i sound) to an /ar/ . What is the new word? "Sharp".
In phonics we will look at comparative word endings -er and -est. The students will learn to use -er when comparing two things. (Pam is taller than Sam) They use -est when comparing more than two things. ( Pam is the tallest girl in the class.)

Our high frequency words are: present, thoughts, able and eye.

In Writer's Workshop we have returned to Narrative Writing. The students meeting the standard in this genre for first grade are able to: generate their own topics; have an engaging beginning; sequence two or more events by using time cue words; add a sense of closure; they may also add dialogue, details, and reactions.

In Math we will continue comparing the capacity of various containers by measuring with sand and blocks. We will also continue two digit addition and subtractions without regrouping.

This week our class will be "visiting" other countries at Parkwood during International Week. We will also be presenting our information on Spain to other classes on Thursday.

Scholastic Book Fair

Our class will be shopping at the book fair on Tuesday, May 25th. Your child needs to bring at least $6.00 to purchase a book. There are a limited amount of books that begin at this price. You may also come shop with your child before school. The book fair ends on Thursday, May 27th.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Coming Soon....International Vacation

As part of the International Vacation at Parkwood, our class has been studying the country of Spain. We have learned many interesting facts about this interesting country. We will be presenting this information next week to other classes at Parkwood. We also will be packing up our passports and "visiting" other countries (classrooms).
Click here for facts about Spain!

From Seed To Plant

The students have enjoyed our study of plants this past month. We have learned about the parts of a flower and what each part does for the plant. We have also observed tomato, daisy and bean seeds to see which one sprouted first. The students planted bean seeds and have been observing their growth. On Tuesday, we took apart dried beans that had soaked overnight in water. The students used hand lenses to locate and remove the seed coat and the baby plant.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Trees are Plants!

Click HERE to explore the secret life of trees!

Space Shuttle Atlantis

Thanks Julianna for reminding us to watch the final launch of space shuttle Atlantis. We had a perfect view from the playground on Friday.

The students chose two items to weigh. First that held them in their hands and predicted which one weighed more. Then they used the balance scales to check their predictions.

This Week in Room 3....

May 17 - 21
Reader's Workshop
Guiding Question : How does sequencing events help me to become a better reader? In our mini lessons we will work together to retell familiar stories by sequencing the events. During share time the students will retell books read during independent reading or guided reading.
We will begin administering our end of the year Developmental Reading Assessments. The students must not only read accurately, but fluently also. They must be able to retell the story without any prompts from the teacher. They also should be able to make a connection to the story.
In skills block we will continue with the r controlled and or. Our spelling words for this week are: start, large, yard, smart, shark, more, sport, horse, chore and storm.
The high frequency words for the week are: begin, minute, already, above and against.

Our new unit in Math Investigations is called Bigger, Taller, Heavier, Smaller. In this book, the students will become familiar with the process of measuring. We began this unit by using balance scales to compare the weight of two objects. Next we will work with capacity by filling different containers with sand or blocks. In skills block we will begin adding two-digit numbers without regrouping. ( 12 + 24 )

In Science we compared tomato, daisy and bean seeds and made predictions on which would sprout first. We have been observing their growth. We also planted our own bean seeds and are anxiously watching for them to sprout! We will also be discussing the life cycle of different types of plants.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Play Day!
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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Parkwood's Dancing With the Stars!

This Week in Room 3....

May 10-14
Phonemic Awareness - Substituting Phonemes
Phonics - r controlled vowels - or, ore, ir, er, ur
Spelling Words: shirt, curl, were, purse, serve, burn, fern, first, church, and girl
High Frequency Words: began, break, divide, head, laugh, second, sure and caught
Comprehension Skill: Making Predictions

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Congratulations K.R.!!

K.'s artwork has advanced to the "Best of Elementary" exhibit at Florida State College...way to go!!