Sunday, January 24, 2010

This Week in Room 3....

In Readers' Workshop this week we will be focusing on cause and effect. During independent reading time the students will be looking for things that happen in their books and asking themselves "Why did this happen?". We encourage them to mark their page with a sticky note and be prepared to shared during our closing time.
During our mini lessons and guided reading we will also continue to practice retelling our stories. As a grade level, we have noticed that this is an area where many of the students are having trouble. We have many students that are reading accurately and maybe even fluently, however when they close the book they have difficulty retelling the story.
In skills block we are reviewing the long a Cvce pattern and also introducing the long i Cvce pattern.
The spelling words are: prize, smile, shine, write, slide, stripe, kite, ride, time, and mice
Remember, to go to Spelling City for practice on this week's words along with reviewing past word lists.
Our HF words for the week are: fly, give, good, her, little, our, try, was, pretty and around.
We also will be working with contractions this week.
Our skills are practiced daily through fast paced, fun activities that include: poems that contain the phonics skill for the week; chants; word sorts; word wall activities; and games such as Tic Tac Toe and Jeopardy.
Both of us are continuing to assess the students with the DRA reading assessment along with pulling guided reading groups.
Each day the students must read independently as well as complete work in one other center during work time. This week the students will be at guided reading, partner reading, computers using Destination Success, TAG reading, browsing center ( science books about natural resources, rocks and soil) or vocabulary.

In Writers' Workshop we will continue with persuasive writing. In persuasive writing the students are trying to convince their audience to do what they propose or to adopt their point of view on an issue. They must state an opinion on a topic, such as why their parents should get them a pet. Then they must give reasons and be able to support those reasons.

In Math Workshop we are continuing our work composing and decomposing 2D and 3D shapes. The students will be creating "Block Towns". The students will make their own drawings of Geoblock buildings and plan and construct a town made from Geoblocks. They also work with direction and paths as they plan routes through their town. Throughout these activities, students develop vocabulary for naming and describing 2-D and 3-D shapes.

In Science we will continue our study of rocks and soil. We will discuss erosion and safety around water. The students will be completing a performance assessment in their science notebooks.

We apologize for the long post, but feel that it will be more economical for us to stop sending out the paper newsletter and instead utilize our blog for this purpose. We will follow with other posts regarding birthdays , 25 book recognitions and other information that was on our newsletter in the past.

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