Sunday, May 17, 2009

Only 14 Days Remaining!

We can't believe how quickly this year has passed! The year is not over though, and these last 3 weeks will be busy. We will not have any more spelling tests, we will just be reviewing our words from this year. Your child will not come home with any new high frequency words cards either, but please have them to continue studying their words nightly. All students should still be logging a book a night on their book logs!
This week we will begin an author study on Mem Fox. The author study is designed to help students meet standards in reading and writing. To meet the standard the students must make connections to books that they hear and participate in book discussions using accountable talk. We also will be studying characters, comparing books and looking at the structure of a story.
I have provided a link to the Mem Fox website that gives a lot of information about this wonderful author. They can even hear Mem Fox read aloud a few of her books!
Your child will also be coming home with a line or two to practice for our Belize presentation that will be next week. ( check out the photos above ) They do not have to memorize the lines. We will be presenting our information on Belize to several visiting classes next week. We will also be "visiting" several other countries in other classrooms.
Remember to sign and return all progress reports and turn in your child's party money as soon as possible!

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