Thursday, December 26, 2013

Twas the Night Before Christmas

The students looked and sounded fabulous at the December PTA performance.  Thanks to all the parents for bringing your child to school that night.

The Elves are Watching!!

The students were on their best behavior before Christmas break because they found out Santa's elves were watching everything they were doing!!

Balancing Act

In math we are working with equivalent expressions.  In our first activity the students learned the meaning of the equal symbol.  By using a balance scale and connecting cubes they 'proved' if two equations were equal or not. 

Officer Friendly

We always enjoy when Officer Cummings comes to visit our school.  We learned all about his job and all the cool stuff he wears as part of his uniform.  Most importantly we learned about how to stay safe!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Spirit Day Starring......First Grade!

We gave the students a sneak peek of our play , "Twas the Night Before Christmas", at last Friday's flag salute in the courtyard.  We were very surprised to see the Grinch show up after Mr. Price read a poem encouraging us to read lots of books.  That mean Grinch even took some books from students before running away!  Now the students are reading as many books as they can to help the Grinch's heart grow bigger.

The Nutcracker

What a beautiful theater to sit in while watching an amazing ballet.  We traveled to UNF to see the Nutcracker....the students loved the show and returned to school wanting to be dancers!