Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope all of my students and their families had a wonderful Thanksgiving :)  The students enjoyed making the paper turkeys and the Oreo turkeys before our holiday break.

River City Band Concert

The students enjoyed clapping and singing along with the River City Band.  We learned about the different instruments, jazz and even how to scat!

Field Trip to MOSH

The students enjoyed our first field trip to MOSH.  We saw an exciting show in the planetarium about the night sky...our next unit we will be studying in science.

A Few Posts to Catch You Up!

Sorry, I haven't posted any pics iphoto was not recognizing my phone and I could not load any pictures...I will catch you up now on the activities in Room 5 :)

Comparison Problems in Math

Recording Our Observations in our Science Journals