Sunday, October 27, 2013

Three Addends

This past week the students have been learning strategies for adding three numbers together.  They learned to first add two numbers together and "make a ten" or a "doubles" fact.  One game we played to reinforce this skill was Five in a Row using 3 number cubes.  After adding the 3 dice together, the students would cover that number on their game board.  The last step was to record the equation in their math journals.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Red Ribbon Week

What an exciting week celebrating Red Ribbon Week.  All of the students in Room 5 made a pledge to stay Drug Free !!!!  Thanks to all Parkwood students for bringing in canned food for the needy. Thanks also to Terry Parker band students, Terry Parker cheerleaders and Officer Cummings for coming to our celebration on Thursday!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mystery Bags

This past week we were working on counting , reading and writing numbers to 99.  The students had to count the objects in their mystery bag by putting them into groups of ten and leftover ones.  After that, they showed their number with connecting cubes, drawing cubes and using a ten frame.

Attendance Awareness Parade

Last Wednesday was Attendance Awareness Day in Duval County and Parkwood celebrated with a parade around the block.  We were joined by members of the Terry Parker band and many students came out from Arlington Middle School to cheer us on when we passed by.


Visualization is an important reading strategy for first graders.When authors write, they use words to describe information. You can change the information from wordsinto a picture. A picture is easier for your brain to understand and remember. You can see the picture in your mind, or draw
the picture on paper.  We practiced this strategy by listening to a song...."What a Wonderful World".  The students listened a couple times and then I read them the lyrics also.....their visualization pictures came out so cute!