Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone....I will see you back at school on Tuesday, November 27th!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thank You Vets!!

The students really enjoyed making Veteran's Day cards on Thursday. Another teacher at Parkwood is arranging to have the cards distributed to veterans to honor them on November 11th.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

And the winner is.......

The students of Room 5 participated in the election process by voting for either "Duck" or "Clifford" for president! :)) After reading Duck For President , Clifford For President, Grace For President and Otto For President, we held our own 'election'. The students first had to present their Official Voter Registration Card to be eligible to vote. After throwing out several votes (some just couldn't decide I guess and voted for both candidates) , Clifford ended up being the winner. The school also held a mock election with our 'official' candidates on the ballot.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Reader's Theatre

Readers Theatre is a performance of a written script that demands repeated and assisted reading that is focused on delivering meaning to an audience. Since there are no acting, props, costumes, or scenery in Readers Theatre, readers must use their voices to carry the meaning. Thus, the goal of this fluency instruction is aimed at improving prosody and meaning. The repeated and assisted practice involved in rehearsal will improve accuracy and automaticity in word recognition. Research has demonstrated the potential of Readers Theatre to improve reading performance. Moreover, Readers Theatre has been found to be an engaging and motivational activity for students.

Earth and Space Performance Task

For our performance task for the Earth and Space Unit the students had to observe an item from the playground (acorn, leaf, stick, pinecone). They had to draw what they observed with and without a hand lens and explain the difference.