Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The 'Big Blue Dog' Visits!

On Friday, we had a special visitor in Room 5, thanks to those who turned in their fundraising orders. Our class earned this visit by having the most orders turned in that day. He loved our listening center and our browsing area.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Taking a Closer Look

In Science we have been learning about the tools that scientists use to learn about our world. The students learned how using a hand lens lets us get a better look at the world around us.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Spirit Day!

On Friday Parkwood had their first Spirit Day of the new school year. The fifth grade students performed and the safety patrol raised the new flag. We all wore our red and tattoos. I was so happy to see Jaylah's mom and Mell's mom join us....make plans to attend our next Spirit Day on October 5th.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Turn and Talk

The students are getting to be 'pros' at using the "Turn and Talk" strategy during a Read Aloud. We use this strategy throughout the day in all subjects. All students get a chance to be heard and stay focused on the lesson. Students that tend to be reluctant to speak to the entire class find speaking to one classmate a little easier.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Resource Time!

The students are always excited for a little break in their day to move about or express their creativity. We are happy to welcome Coach Streeter to Parkwood this school year. This past week the students were learning how to use the Chinese jump rope. We are also happy to have Mr. Petry again this year for art. On Wednesday, the students learned about different kinds of lines as they created their 'cityscapes'.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Celebrating Our Writing

At the closing of every writers workshop time, the students look forward to the 'author's chair'. The students love to share their writing, and in doing so their confidence grows and they receive feedback from their classmates on how to improve their writing and grow as a writer.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Partner Reading

Last week the students in room 5 learned all about Partner Reading in first grade. They learned what partner reading looks like and sounds like by watching me partner read with Jaylah. Thanks Jaylah for your help in this 'mini-lesson'...you did a wonderful job! During work time the students practiced partner reading and I know they paid attention to the lesson, because they did a wonderful job too! Partner Reading is a way for students to work together on skills and strategies taught during our mini lessons.