Sunday, August 26, 2012

We Want Gold!!

The PTA is passing out Olympic medals based on the number of PTA memberships each class has. Thanks to those who turned in their memberships last week....we now have earned a bronze medal!! Yea!! Of course we want to have the most memberships so that we can carry the Olympic torch!! Keep those memberships coming in so that we will earn our GOLD medal!!

Scholastic Book Club

We had a wonderful Open House turnout!! Thanks so much for taking the time to attend. In your Open House folder I placed a Scholastic Book Introduction Letter and flyer. If you would like to place an online order click on the link above ....OR you many return the paper flyer along with your payment and I will place the order. Remember all orders are due on September 8th! Take advantage of these great book prices to begin building your child's home library. Our class online code is: GQGN3

When is Lunch?????

Practicing Good Reading Behaviors

Through our Readers Workshop Anchor Lessons this week, the students have learned how to choose a spot to read where they can focus on their book and not be distracted. We also learned what Independent Reading looks like and sounds like. The students did a wonderful job practicing these behaviors!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Such Hard Workers!

The students have been working hard this week. In literacy skills block we will review kindergarten high frequency words and all letters and sounds. They loved the 'Alphabet March'. We have been learning about behaviors during read alouds and shared reading during our reader's workshop. In math , the students have been exploring math tools and reviewing numbers to 20.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Off To a Great Start!!

It has been very busy in Room 5 these past couple days. We have been working on our rituals and routines for first grade. Many students have been working hard, I am so impressed! Don't forget to return your DVD/picture release form that went home today. I will begin posting pictures as soon as these are returned. Also, remember Open House is this Thursday at 6pm. It is very important that you make plans to attend....I will be giving out important information for a successful 2012/2013 school year! See you Thursday!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


It was great to meet several of my new students on Friday at Orientation. It is going to be a wonderful school year! Don't forget to make plans to attend Open House this Thursday at 6pm.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Getting Ready!

I have been working hard getting the room ready for all my new friends! I still have a bit to do, but here is what the room looks like so far. Browsing area and Word Wall
Computers and Browsing Area
Listening Center and Meeting Area
Meeting Area and Small Group Area