Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Spring Break!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Spring Break! I miss you guys! I want to apologize for not updating the blog in recent weeks. We have all been so busy at school, but I promise to be better about posting at least once a week. Below are some of the pictures I have taken over the past month or so....enjoy!
Also, we seem to have several "Justin Bieber" fans in our classroom so I wanted to give you this link to hear Justin Bieber read his favorite book, The Cat in the Hat!! (click on the title)
Personally, I think some of my students read with more expression than he does!

Field Trip to Animal Care and Control and the Downtown Library

....more field trip pics

We had a great time on our field trip to the Animal Care and Control Center and the main library downtown.

Valentine's Day!

Math Games