Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Destination Success

Information about Destination Success was sent home with your child 2 weeks ago. They can log on to this fun learning program from any computer. I have loaded activities that align with our current and past curriculum. Please have your child practice logging on as they are expected to do this independently when working at school!

Good Job First Grade!!

Last Friday the first grade classes performed at the February Spirit Day Flag Salute. Several students read about the love that they have for their family, friends, school, pets and teachers. We think they did a great job! Next performance.....Tuesday, Feb. 15th at the PTA meeting!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 100!!

On Thursday we celebrated our 100th day in First Grade....Wow!! 100 is a lot!!

Functional Writing

Our students are finishing up their "how to " writing. The students had to choose something that they could do well and write an introduction, list of materials or ingredients, the steps in order and a conclusion. Below is an example of one students writing titled "How To Make Chocolate Milk".