Sunday, April 25, 2010

This Week in Room 3....

April 26 -30
Remember to return your library books on Monday!

In Reader's Workshop we be looking at the story structure in the books we read. We will also practice making evaluative statements about those books. We will continue with our third administration of the FAIR reading assessment.
In literacy skills block we will delete phonemes in words, identify base words and endings -es and -ies, learn about synonyms and the prefixes un - and re -.

Our spelling words are: dishes, dresses, boxes, beaches, wishes, kisses, pennies, babies, bunnies and cities.
Our high frequency words are: after, before, buy, pretty, school, done, off and wash.

In Writers' Workshop we will continue in the Response to Literature genre. We will be learning how to write about our connections to characters and events in a story. We will then write about any similarities and differences between books that we read or hear read to us.

In Math Workshop we will practice adding number strings (ex: 5 + 5 + 3 + 7 +0 =). We will continue to practice strategies for solving addition and subtraction facts through games and story problems.

Earth Day

The students enjoyed completing an Earth Day Word Search, learning some poems and songs about Recycling and working on an Earth Day Scavenger Hunt with a partner. They had a blast picking up trash on the school grounds.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Michael, Michael, Go Recycle!

Click here to play a game to celebrate Earth Day!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

This Week in Room 3....

April 19-23

During our literacy skills block we will learn about the long e and long i sound associated with the finay -Y in words. Our spelling words are: city, rainy, lucky, tricky, pretty, why, shy, guy, sly, and fry.
Our high frequency words are: dance, around, open, ocean, talk, though, ever and else. We will also review base words and endings -ed and -ing. Our grammar skill for the week is learning when to use is and are in sentences.

Our guiding question in Readers' Workshop is: How does noting details help me to become a better reader? The students will practice paying attention to bits of information to help them to better understand their stories. We also will continue our Ezra Jack Keats' Author Study.

In Writer's Workshop we will continue making evaluative statements about books that we read or heard read to us. We will also learn how making connections to a story helps us to understand the characters and the story better.

In Math Skills Block we are working with place value. The students must identify tens and ones in a given number. In Math Workshop we are still solving combining and separating story problems. The students are developing strategies for solving and recording these problems by using number, pictures, words and equations. They will also become more familiar with combination of 10.

Science With Ms. Farrell

We learned about the four major parts of a plant and the job of each of these parts. We then went outside and dug up a flower (weed!) with a partner and labeled the parts. We also examined them closely with our hand lenses. Later, we made our own flowers to take home and share the facts that we learned.
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This Week in Room 3....

Spelling List and Vocabulary words were sent home before Spring Break on 3/28....our assessments will be Thursday, 4/15
Spelling words: jumped, sprayed, planted, dropped, trapped, shouting, shopping, telling, painting , checking....remember you can study these words at
High Frequency words: butter, carry, kind, person,saw, put, were, and work.
Our guiding question in Reader's Workshop is..."How does drawing conclusions help me to become a better reader?"
We will be continuing our Author's Study on the works of Ezra Jack Keats. We will use his books during Writer's Workshop as we make evaluative statements about books during our Responding to Literature genre study.

Don't forget that our field trip to the Jacksonville Zoo will be this Friday, April 16th. Remember to bring a small snack and drink. We will eat lunch when we return to school at 1:30pm.