Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Holiday Fun

Making Christmas Wreaths......

Holiday Bingo!

Watching a movie and enjoying our treats

I can't wait to see all of you on January 3rd! I hope you have had a wonderful holiday break and that you will be ready to work hard when you return! I apologize for not updating the blog sooner, but this has been a very busy month, as I am sure it was for all of you too. Anyway, please check out the pictures below from our Christmas party and fun holiday activities. Also, the prior post contains a slide show of our field trip to the Jacksonville Zoo.....Enjoy!

More holiday fun....

Pinning the nose on Rudolph!

Many of the students received notes from Santa's Elves!

A Reindeer Craft.......

December Zoo Field Trip

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I have to apologize for not posting lately...we have just been so busy at school!
It is exciting to watch the students as they grow as readers. Remember, your child should be reading nightly at home. This month we will begin our mid-year reading assessments. Your child should be reading at least level E books by this time of the year. They need to be at least on a level I by the end of first grade. Of course, they need to not only be able to read these books, but also read them fluently, and comprehend what they are reading. Have your child practice retelling their books they read at home. More information about the skills and strategies that your first grader must use was sent home earlier this month.
In writers workshop we will continue with the persuasive writing genre until Winter Break. The students have been stating their opinion on a topic that they feel strongly about. They then must support their opinion with good reasons and include clear, strong details.
In math we have been playing games that help us learn the different ways we can use 2 addends to make 10 and how the number 10 can help us use the numbers 11-20. Later this month, we will begin our unit on geometry. We will observe, describe, compare, classify, represent, and build with 2-D and 3-D geometric shapes.
In science we will continue our study of the surface of the Earth. The students have been observing rocks, different types of soil and the effects of weathering and erosion on the Earth.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Officer Friendly Visit

We were excited to have Officer Cummings come speak to the first grade classes last week. Officer Cummings is also a neighbor of mine! He told the students all about his uniform and we got to go outside and get a close look at his police car. We learned many important things such never touch a bullet or a gun...use 911 for emergencies only...and to stay away from strangers.
Thank you Officer Cummings!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

More Carnival Pics...

Parkwood Fall Carnival

Red Ribbon Week

Our "Say No To Drugs" posters...

"Sock It To Drugs" Day

Friday's Red Ribbon Rally in the courtyard...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ten Turns

This week in Math Workshop the children played a game called Ten Turns. We have completed our unit on patterns and we are now working on counting, comparing and ordering number to at least 100. The students worked in pairs to collect pennies by rolling a number cube and "adding on" each turn. Some students were able to 'count on' from the prior number, while others needed to recount the entire group of pennies each turn.

A Pep Rally!

The students enjoyed a visit from Terry Parker High School cheerleaders, band and football players on Tuesday afternoon. Terry Parker visited area schools as part of their homecoming week festivities.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Volunteers Needed!

I am looking for parent volunteers to help with our booth at the Parkwood Carnival on October 29th. Our class will be responsible for the "Trunk Toss" game. You would only need to volunteer for a 30 minute shift. The carnival will run from 4:30 - 7:30 pm. Please let me know if you can help!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fire Safety Week!

We have been talking about community helpers in our social studies unit this week. Click here for fun games and activities related to Fire Prevention Week. You can even drive a firetruck!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Profile Tools, free Myspace layouts, free Myspace comment codes, images, Myspace Layouts
Free Myspace Layouts
Congratulations to the following students for meeting the 25 Book Challenge:

Way to go!! Keep Reading!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Spirit Day!

We enjoyed our first spirit day on Friday. The students loved dancing with the Parkwood Panther, enjoying the 3rd grade program and getting tatoos! Parents are always invited to join us in the courtyard on the first Friday of the month...wear your red and white!