Thursday, August 27, 2009

Independent Reading

This week in Reader's Workshop we have been working on rituals and routines. Today's lesson was on independent reading. Everyday during the work time portion of Reader's Workshop the students will be expected to read independently. At the beginning of the year the students read independently for short periods of time. As the year progresses this time is increased gradually as the students grow as readers. The students learned today what independent reading should look like and sound like.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Grade is Fun!

What a fantastic start to the school year! We have a wonderful class of students and they are working hard already. Thanks to all that have returned their paperwork so quickly. If you haven't returned the photo permission slip yet, do so soon so that we can post some photos of all the children. We are still waiting on a few students to bring in their supplies....the 1 inch notebook is the most important item that your child needs. We were also excited to receive 10 PTA memberships!! Let's see if we can double that! Your September newsletter will come home next Monday. You will find important dates, birthdays, and information about what we are studying for the month. Don't forget about Open House next Wednesday, September 2nd at 6:00pm!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

See You Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the first day of school...can you believe it?? Get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast. We have a full day of instruction planned. It was wonderful to meet so many of you at the Orientation this past Friday. Remember to bring in all supplies as soon as possible. We will begin posting pictures on the blog as soon as all photo permission slips are returned. These will come home tomorrow along with other paperwork that needs to be completed as soon as possible. PLEASE make plans now to attend Open House next week (Sept. 2nd at 6:00pm). We will be discussing our curriculum, schedule, homework, standards, and ways to help your child succeed in first grade.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to Room 3!!

The first day of school is almost here! We are both so anxious to meet our new class of first graders. Remember, orientation will be tomorrow (Friday) from 10:00 - 11:30....stop by and check out your teacher and your new classroom. We have many exciting things planned for this school year. Our school theme at Parkwood this year is "Only as a team will we accomplish our dream".
We hope you are all ready to join our team in room 3!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The New School Year is Almost Here!!

This is probably our last post to all of our "old friends". We are busy getting our room ready for our new group of students! We hope that all of you had a wonderful summer. Mrs. Pevy kept busy teaching summer school (3rd graders!) and she is now enjoying a couple weeks of relaxation....working in her yard and reading. I have been busy keeping the peace between Bishop and Rusty and doing chores around the house. Mr. Costello and I now have 18 chrysalises hanging in our butterfly garden, IF we happen to catch one emerging I will try to film it for you to see.
Feel free to continue visiting our blog for links and school information and please come by room 3 and give us both a hug!
The school will be open on Friday, August 21st from 10:00 to 11:30 am for you to meet your new teacher.

(I had to show you a couple cute photos of Bishop...isn't the one of him yawning funny??!!)