Saturday, September 20, 2008

Parachute Fun!

At PE this week Coach let us bounce balls on the parachute.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Please remember that Reading Response sheets are sent home on Monday and due back to school on Friday.  Your child needs to be reading at least one book each night.  Parents, please add the title to your child's book log in their notebook.  We are expecting the students to stretch out their words when writing sentences for their vocabulary word sentences and when completing their responses.  Parents, please do not spell words for your child!  Encourage them to stretch out the sounds and to do the best they can.  This will provide practice for Writer's Workshop when they are expected to do this independently.  

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Science Journals

We use our science journals to record our data.  Scientists use their senses to describe the world around them.  We  drew items that we found on the playground and used our senses to describe these objects.  We are learning how to sort objects according to their characteristics. 

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Destination Success

To log on to Destination Success (link to the right)..
     User Name = firstnamelastname208 (no spaces)
   Password = birthmonth and date (4 digits) 0101 for birthdate January 1st

When logged on use the exploration button in the upper left corner and help your child explore mastering skills and concepts Course I Math and Course I: Emergent Literacy and Phonemic Awareness (Language Arts).  Watch for specific lessons in the upcoming class newsletters.

Open House

We are so happy that we had such a good turnout for Open House!  Twenty-five of our thirty students had at least one parent present.  Beginning tomorrow part of your child's homework will be to read nightly.  Parents and guardians must log one book each night on their child's 25 book list located in the front of their notebook.  A reading response form will also be sent home each Monday.  The student will choose one book that they read that week and complete the response.  It must be turned in by Friday.  This week we will practice making predictions and sequencing events in stories.  We will also begin literacy centers.  Last week we learned how to read with a partner.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You Found Us!

If you are reading this post I guess you found our class blog!  As you can see, we have been posting since orientation.   Check out the mini slide show below and you will see how busy we are in room 3.  We are very proud of our student's behavior and work habits.  Please keep an eye on the weather reports this week.  It looks like Hanna may be passing close by Jacksonville.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday night for Open House.  Don't forget to bring your door prize entry that was sent home last week!
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