Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day 5

We finally made it through five days of school!  We are so proud of our class.  They are learning our daily rituals and routines quickly.  We know that many of you have questions regarding homework, book logs and supplies.  Please make plans now to attend Open House next Thursday at 6:30.  We will go over all of your concerns at that time.  

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay

Well, who would have thought that our first week of school would be cut short by a tropical storm?  We will have to start over on Monday learning our rituals and routines.  We hope that everyone made it through the storm safely.  I thought you would enjoy this picture of Rusty I took in the hallway of our house during a tornado warning on Friday. 

Monday, August 18, 2008

The First Day of School

We certainly had a busy first day!  If you haven't brought in your supplies yet, please do as soon as possible.  You can scroll down to the prior post for a copy of the supply list if you need one.
In Reader's Workshop we reviewed our rituals and routines and practiced how to make predictions before and during a read aloud.  We also practiced summarizing a story.  We drew self portraits in Writer's Workshop and labeled our pictures with a sentence introducing ourselves.  We have physical education everyday at 1:30.  Please make sure that your child is wearing appropriate shoes for the playground.  

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Supply List

Parkwood Heights Elementary School

First Grade Supply List

These are the supplies needed to begin the school year.

They will need to be replaced as the year goes on.

1 - 1 1/2” - 3 ring notebook (NO LARGER)

8 - primary (Fat) pencils with erasers

2 - large boxes of tissues

1 - box of primary (Fat) crayons - 8 colors only

1 - box of small Ziploc baggies (no snack bags)

1 - box of 2 gallon Ziploc bags

1 - composition Book (black and white)

2 - spiral notebooks

6 - pocket folders (2 green, 2 yellow, 2 red)

5 - packs of 3 x 5 index cards

3 - bottles of antibacterial hand soap NOT hand sanitizer

6 - large glue sticks

1 - plastic pencil box

1 - container of baby wipes

2 - black dry erase markers

1 - package of white copy paper (500 sheets)

Friday, August 15, 2008


It was so wonderful to meet so many of you today at the orientation.  Thanks to those who took a post it note from our "wish tree".  We received many much needed items for the classroom already!
Make sure your child eats a good breakfast, goes to bed early and is at school on time Monday morning....this is going to be a fantastic school year!