Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had a great time at our Christmas party!  Thanks to all of our parent volunteers for your help.  We had a busy morning listening to The Polar Express, receiving our bell necklaces and enjoying some fun Christmas art activities.  We also made adorable ( and delicious) reindeer cookies.  In the afternoon we listened to some Christmas music, made ornaments, got holiday tatoos (!) and ate some yummy food.  The students also took home stockings filled with other goodies and a gift from their teachers.  Remember to save some of your Christmas cash for the Scholastic Bookfair that will be at the school in January!  Have a safe and happy holiday break ....we will see you on Monday, January 5th.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Thanks to everyone for sending their party money in to school.  We have shopped for lots of goodies to make our party fun.  Remember to have your child read and log a book nightly and study their vocabulary words.  This week we will be working on the long a sound in skills block along with final consonant blends.  Today some of the students played a Christmas tic tac toe game with their vocabulary words during center time.  We also have enjoyed "singing" our sight words to the tune of Jingle Bells.  It really gets the students focused and is a fun way to practice these words.  See if they can lay out their word cards at home and sing to you!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Santa's Elves!

Santa's elves have been visiting room 3 for two weeks now.  They seem to be watching us and catching students who are being hard workers and good citizens!  They leave notes and candy on the student's desks for them to find when they come into the classroom.

Jacksonville Zoo

Well, we were very sad today that our field trip to the zoo was cancelled due to the weather conditions.  However, we went on a "virtual" zoo trip in the classroom!  We visited the Jacksonville Zoo website and National Geographic Kids (both websites below on links) .  We watched videos of all of the animals that we are writing our reports on in Writer's Workshop.  Then we went to the Destination Success website and read a story on penguins and puffins.  It fit in perfectly with our reading strategy for this week which was comparing and contrasting.  We also ate lunch in the classroom and after our Math Workshop we made Christmas wreaths.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Just Some Reminders!

Sorry about the delay in getting out the December newsletter!  It should go home tomorrow.  Friday is Spirit Day...remember to wear your red and white.  If you are not busy Friday morning, please join us in the courtyard for our school wide flag salute at 8:35.  The second grade classes will be performing.  Please send in your child's Christmas party money as soon as possible so that we have plenty of time to shop for all of the treats and goodies.  Don't forget that our field trip to the Jacksonville Zoo is next Thursday the 11th.  Label your child's lunch and drink with their name and watch a weather report to dress them appropriately!  

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our class enjoyed making turkey cupcakes on Tuesday....
we hope that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Picture Lady

We are so excited that the Picture Lady came to visit the first grade classes this week!  We saw several paintings by the artist Vincent van Gogh.  We learned that he often painted at night and that he used many small brush strokes and swirls in his paintings.  Many of the students were already familiar with the painting The Starry Night.  We even compared and contrasted two of his paintings.  We have been working on comparing and contrasting this week in Reader's Workshop!  The picture lady will be visiting once a month.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

PTA Meeting and First Grade Performance

Don't forget that the first grade will be performing this Tuesday evening! Bring your child to the classroom no later than 6:30pm.
If your plans have changed and you are not going to be able to attend, please let us know so that we may have another student read your child's part. Otherwise, we will see you Tuesday evening!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Learning About the Features of Nonfiction Texts

We have been learning about the features of nonfiction books during Reader's Workshop. We learned that we read these books differently than we read fiction stories. We are now beginning our report writing genre in Writer's Workshop. The students will have to write about a topic that they know a lot about. We will be starting with a class report. During our first report writing lesson the students enjoyed searching through books and placing sticky notes on the table of contents, index, photographs, headings, captions, diagrams, and other features that we have learned about. Next time you visit the library encourage your child to check out some nonfiction books. They seem to especially enjoy exploring books about animals.

The Five Components of Reading

Reading with children and helping them practice specific reading components can dramatically improve their ability to read. Scientific research shows that there are five essential components of reading that children must be taught in order to learn to read. Adults can help children learn to be good readers by systematically practicing these five components:
1. Recognizing and using individual sounds to create words, or phonemic awareness. Children need to be taught to hear sounds in words and those words are made up of the smallest parts of sound, or phonemes.
2. Understanding the relationships between written letters and spoken sounds, or phonics. Children need to be taught the sounds individual printed letters and groups of letters make. Knowing the relationships between letters and sounds helps children to recognize familiar words accurately and automatically, and "decode" new words.
3. Developing the ability to read a text accurately and quickly, or reading fluency. Children must learn to read words rapidly and accurately in order to understand what is read. When fluent readers read silently, they recognize words automatically. When fluent readers read aloud, they read effortlessly and with expression. Readers who are weak in fluency read slowly, word by word, focusing on decoding words instead of comprehending meaning.
4. Learning the meaning and pronunciation of words, or vocabulary development. Children need to actively build and expand their knowledge of written and spoken words, what they mean and how they are used.
5. Acquiring strategies to understand, remember and communicate what is read, or reading comprehension strategies. Children need to be taught comprehension strategies, or the steps good readers use to make sure they understand text. Students who are in control of their own reading comprehension become purposeful, active readers.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Making Parkwood Beautiful!

Thanks to the students, parents and grandparents who came out to help clean up the school grounds! It was a beautiful morning!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Come to school Monday!

Remember that Monday is not a weather day! Please come to school. There is no school on Tuesday, November 11th which is Veteran's Day.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Parkwood Night at McDonalds!

I had so much fun working at McDonalds! It was great to see soooo many of our friends there too. Thanks for coming!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Reading Strategies

The students have been reviewing reading strategies that they were introduced to in Kindergarten. These strategies are used when they come to an unknown word. Some of the strategies are:
Getting our mouth ready ( sometimes the word just pops out!)
Using picture clues
S-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the word
Looking for smaller words inside the word
Asking ourselves: Does that make sense? If not, go back and try again
We also have been practicing determining the main idea of a story. This is difficult for the students because they are used to retelling a story and giving lots of details. When we ask for the main idea, however, we just want a sentence or two that tells what the story is all about.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Grade Parent Lunch

Join us for lunch this Wednesday, October 15th. Meet us in the cafeteria at 10:45. Bring your lunch or buy one from the cafeteria for $ 3.00 (adults). Hope to see you there!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

We Read 25 Books!

Congratulations to all of our students who have met the 25 book challenge.
We have several students who have read over 50 books too.  Good job everyone.....keep reading!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rusty Has School Spirit!

                  Rusty is ready for Spirit Day tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Spirit Day

This Friday is Spirit Day.  Dress your child in their Parkwood T shirt or our school colors, red and white.  You are welcome to join us in the courtyard at 8:30 for our flag salute and presentation by the fourth grade students.  Make plans also to attend the First Grade Parent Lunch on Wednesday, October 15th.  Check in at the office and meet us in the foyer at 10:45.  
Watch for information coming home with your child on the Pizza Hut Book It Program where they earn a free pizza for reading books.  

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Parachute Fun!

At PE this week Coach let us bounce balls on the parachute.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Please remember that Reading Response sheets are sent home on Monday and due back to school on Friday.  Your child needs to be reading at least one book each night.  Parents, please add the title to your child's book log in their notebook.  We are expecting the students to stretch out their words when writing sentences for their vocabulary word sentences and when completing their responses.  Parents, please do not spell words for your child!  Encourage them to stretch out the sounds and to do the best they can.  This will provide practice for Writer's Workshop when they are expected to do this independently.  

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Science Journals

We use our science journals to record our data.  Scientists use their senses to describe the world around them.  We  drew items that we found on the playground and used our senses to describe these objects.  We are learning how to sort objects according to their characteristics. 

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Destination Success

To log on to Destination Success (link to the right)..
     User Name = firstnamelastname208 (no spaces)
   Password = birthmonth and date (4 digits) 0101 for birthdate January 1st

When logged on use the exploration button in the upper left corner and help your child explore mastering skills and concepts Course I Math and Course I: Emergent Literacy and Phonemic Awareness (Language Arts).  Watch for specific lessons in the upcoming class newsletters.

Open House

We are so happy that we had such a good turnout for Open House!  Twenty-five of our thirty students had at least one parent present.  Beginning tomorrow part of your child's homework will be to read nightly.  Parents and guardians must log one book each night on their child's 25 book list located in the front of their notebook.  A reading response form will also be sent home each Monday.  The student will choose one book that they read that week and complete the response.  It must be turned in by Friday.  This week we will practice making predictions and sequencing events in stories.  We will also begin literacy centers.  Last week we learned how to read with a partner.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You Found Us!

If you are reading this post I guess you found our class blog!  As you can see, we have been posting since orientation.   Check out the mini slide show below and you will see how busy we are in room 3.  We are very proud of our student's behavior and work habits.  Please keep an eye on the weather reports this week.  It looks like Hanna may be passing close by Jacksonville.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday night for Open House.  Don't forget to bring your door prize entry that was sent home last week!
Click to play Our Busy Day!
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day 5

We finally made it through five days of school!  We are so proud of our class.  They are learning our daily rituals and routines quickly.  We know that many of you have questions regarding homework, book logs and supplies.  Please make plans now to attend Open House next Thursday at 6:30.  We will go over all of your concerns at that time.  

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay

Well, who would have thought that our first week of school would be cut short by a tropical storm?  We will have to start over on Monday learning our rituals and routines.  We hope that everyone made it through the storm safely.  I thought you would enjoy this picture of Rusty I took in the hallway of our house during a tornado warning on Friday. 

Monday, August 18, 2008

The First Day of School

We certainly had a busy first day!  If you haven't brought in your supplies yet, please do as soon as possible.  You can scroll down to the prior post for a copy of the supply list if you need one.
In Reader's Workshop we reviewed our rituals and routines and practiced how to make predictions before and during a read aloud.  We also practiced summarizing a story.  We drew self portraits in Writer's Workshop and labeled our pictures with a sentence introducing ourselves.  We have physical education everyday at 1:30.  Please make sure that your child is wearing appropriate shoes for the playground.  

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Supply List

Parkwood Heights Elementary School

First Grade Supply List

These are the supplies needed to begin the school year.

They will need to be replaced as the year goes on.

1 - 1 1/2” - 3 ring notebook (NO LARGER)

8 - primary (Fat) pencils with erasers

2 - large boxes of tissues

1 - box of primary (Fat) crayons - 8 colors only

1 - box of small Ziploc baggies (no snack bags)

1 - box of 2 gallon Ziploc bags

1 - composition Book (black and white)

2 - spiral notebooks

6 - pocket folders (2 green, 2 yellow, 2 red)

5 - packs of 3 x 5 index cards

3 - bottles of antibacterial hand soap NOT hand sanitizer

6 - large glue sticks

1 - plastic pencil box

1 - container of baby wipes

2 - black dry erase markers

1 - package of white copy paper (500 sheets)

Friday, August 15, 2008


It was so wonderful to meet so many of you today at the orientation.  Thanks to those who took a post it note from our "wish tree".  We received many much needed items for the classroom already!
Make sure your child eats a good breakfast, goes to bed early and is at school on time Monday morning....this is going to be a fantastic school year!